“It’s Not Magic, It’s Science!” Live Tour

Bring the magic behind the science to your community

Jay leverages the entertainment factor of magic to increase excitement and awareness in STEM. This keynote is a performance not a presentation. Each "trick" (experiment) is as entertaining as it is educational and is fun for all ages.

Jay has designed each experiment with equity and access in mind so the majority of them can be completed with low-cost items audience members have at home or with materials they can easily purchase for only a few dollars. You won't believe how much excitement we can spark with so little. It's the presentation that makes these experiments uniquely inspiring! Three ingredients make the “magic": Experiment. Explanation. Exploration.

It’s not magic it’s science and it’s fun for the whole family!

moving the needle

The “It’s Not Magic, It’s Science!” Live Tour provide equitable access to entertaining STEM experiences for the communities that need it the most. Over 4,000 students have taken home our "It's Not Magic, It's Science!" kit to keep exploring the science behind the "magic" with their families! These mind-blown reactions below show how inspiring the show has been. We can't wait to inspire thousands more with your support!


“There are truly no words to the impact of the program last week. My students are still talking about how excited they were to engage with science in a way that felt magical. This is particularly true for my Hispanic students, who were impacted by the rare opportunity to see someone who looks like them being successful in a science career! Some students never thought about a career in science where they get to travel and present to schools, and now they do! We are so thankful for the Novelis partnership and for your help in kicking off Hispanic Heritage Month in an equitable way with value placed on each culture equally. A seed has been planted and we may have the next Jay Flores coming out of the Benteen community because of this exposure.” –Andrew Lovett, Jr., Ph. D, Benteen Bilingual Elementary.

Presenting Sponsors

Inspiring Young Minds

The overall goal of this partnership is to expand pathways for thousands of bilingual youth to participate in STEM and empower them with the resources to explore their natural curiosity. The investment will yield a brighter future enriched by the creativity and impact of these inspired students who will benefit from the rare opportunity to see someone who looks like them excelling in science.

Family Science Support

The "It's Not Magic, It's Science!" kit available in English and Spanish will encourage families to explore science together beyond the classroom. By involving families in science exploration, students are more likely to see science as a relevant and exciting part of their lives. The videos and experiments via the kit will provide continued exploration opportunities beyond the event.